Foxboro P0400YD I/a Series Rtd Input Module Discontinued $1,164.90…
Foxboro I/A P0400Yd-Ab Fbm 03 Rtd Input Module Plc P0400Yd Rev Ab H5 $1,271.28 Foxboro An item that has been used previously, fully operational an…
Foxboro P0400Yd-0V Processor Rtd Input I/A Series P0400Yd Fbm 03Fg $1,635.61 Foxboro An item that has been used previously, fully operational an…
Foxboro P0400Yd Fbm 3 I/A Series Plc Rtd Input Module P0 400 Yd Rev Ab Po400Yd $762.15 Foxboro…
Foxboro P0400Ye-0P I/O Module Field Bus Fbm-04 $917.42 Foxboro An item that has been used previously, fully operational an…